
Internal Revenue Service
Filing Form 990
26 USC 6033 and 26 CFR 1.6033-2
Exempt organizations who do not fall under a statutory exception must file an annual return with the Internal Revenue Service. The return must be filed on or before the 15th day of the fifth calendar month following the close of the institution's fiscal year.

Transmit Federal Tax and FICA Tax to Internal Revenue Service (monthly)

U.S. Tax Code: Withholding exemption certificates
26 CFR 31.3402(f)(2)-1(c)(3)
The employer is required to request a withholding exemption certificate from each employee, but if the employee fails to furnish such certificate, the employer shall consider that employee a single person claiming no withholding. Before December 1st of each year, every employer should request of each employee a newly completed withholding exemption certificate for the ensuing calendar year.

Human Resources
Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLT) Report (monthly)
29 USC 2
A monthly report sent to the Department of Labor providing information concerning the Total Employment for the month; Number of Job Openings on the last business day of the month; Hires and Recalls for the entire month; Quits, Layoffs and Discharges, and other separations.

Current Employment Statistics (CES) Report (monthly)
29 USC 2
A monthly report sent to the Department of Labor providing information concering Employee Count, Female Employee Count, Faculty Member Count, and coded response to any reason for large changes.

New Hire Report (monthly)
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, 42 USC 653A
Requires employers to report newly hired and re-hired employees within 20 days of their start date. Reported are SSN, Name, Address, Department, Department Address, FED EIN, State EIN, Hire Re-Hire Date, and birthdates for new hires for the month reported.